Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Made it on Chocolate today!

Today I made it on chocolate. With all the craziness that is my life I turned to chocolate to cope. Another reason for this blog is to curb the chocolate and gain a new coping I am currently broke, pregnant with my 3rd child, and dealing with drama from the neigbors. Problem #1 will get worse when baby #3 gets here, but by then I am hoping to have a method to increase the income. Either way the baby is a blessing and no matter what the finances will get better eventually. Problem #3 simply irritates me and makes me want to move.

On a brighter note...I have a wonderful family that I love very much and is very understanding of a hormonal female right now. I have 12 acres of heaven in which I call home. I have a job that I love (just wish I could actually get a raise in this economy). So all in all things are good (even if a bit crazy). So tomorrow I should depend less on chocolate and more on faith and love!